Women in engineering education and careers in Benin and Ghana (WEEC-BG) : dissemination workshop
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The purpose of the dissemination workshop was to share the findings of the project to stakeholders for inputs, especially on recommendations. The dissemination workshop brought together relevant public institutions, academia, researchers, students, professional associations and the private sector participants in the field of engineering. The workshop adopted a participatory approach where both participants and project team engaged equally. The project team started presentations on a background of the project; national policy environment for women in engineering education and careers in Ghana; female participation in engineering education and careers: the trends and enablers; barriers to engineering careers; barriers in higher education: teaching and learning; barriers in engineering education in Ghana and presentation of key recommendations. In the breakout session, participants were put into six groups which include, basic and SHS teachers, academia, researchers, other engineering practitioners, Ministries, Departments and Agencies (MDAs) and students. The groups later presented the outcome of their group discussions in a plenary.