IDRC Annual Reports / Rapports annuels CRDI

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    Rapport annuel CRDI 2015-2016 : investir dans des solutions
    (CRDI, Ottawa, ON, CA, 2016)
    Dirigé par la Loi sur le Centre de recherches pour le dévéloppement international (1970), le Centre vise à « de lancer, d’encourager, d’appuyer et de mener des recherches sur les problèmes des régions du monde en voie de développement et sur la mise en oeuvre des connaissances scientifiques, techniques et autres en vue du progrès économique et social de ces régions ». Le CRDI investit stratégiquement dans le savoir, l’innovation et les solutions afin d’accélérer la recherche en développement qui peut être mise à vaste échelle en vue d’un impact accru; de former des leaders dans les secteurs de l’administration publique, de la recherche et des entreprises dans le monde en développement pour aujourd’hui et demain; et de veiller à ce que le CRDI soit un partenaire de choix en ce qui concerne le renforcement des pays en développement et le maintien de relations importantes pour le Canada.
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    IDRC annual report 2015-2016 : investing in solutions
    (IDRC, Ottawa, ON, CA, 2016)
    Directed by the International Development Research Centre Act (1970), the Centre works “to initiate, encourage, support and conduct research into the problems of the developing regions of the world and into the means for applying and adapting scientific, technical and other knowledge to the economic and social advancement of those regions.” IDRC strategically invests in knowledge, innovation, and solutions, to accelerate development research that can be scaled for impact; to build leaders in government, research, and business in the developing world for today and tomorrow; and to ensure that IDRC will be a partner of choice in strengthening developing countries and in maintaining important relationships for Canada.
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    IDRC annual report 2014-2015 : innovating for solution
    (IDRC, Ottawa, ON, CA, 2015)
    2015 was the final year of operation under the “Strategic Framework 2010-2015.” Phase 2 of the Canadian International Food Security Research Fund has been launched with a focus on scaling up earlier successes; 21 teams have identified more than 140 technologies and practices with the potential to benefit millions of people; predictable core funding is giving 43 think tanks in 20 countries the stability to make real impact with sustained work on critical issues. The IDRC has launched its “Strategic Plan 2015-2020: Investing in solutions” focusing the Centre on investing in knowledge and innovation for large-scale positive change. This report summarizes operations.
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    IDRC annual report 2013-2014 : improving lives and livelihoods
    (IDRC, Ottawa, ON, CA, 2014)
    IDRC’s work is based on the conviction that knowledge and innovation can effect positive change in the social, economic, environmental and political conditions of the poor, marginalized, or otherwise excluded people of developing countries. This summary of operations for 2014 provides programme information, allocations of IDRC funding for projects in each global region, as well as reviewing initiatives in different programming areas. IDRC is accountable to Canada’s Parliament. A review of the audit and financial reports are also included in the summary.
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    IDRC annual report 2012-2013 : putting research to work
    (IDRC, Ottawa, ON, CA, 2013)
    The annual report provides a summary of operations including mandate, financial reports, outputs and outcomes of the current year. It includes government and donor funding sources, key financial highlights, priorities and objectives. IDRC provides funding for, and administration of Corporate Awards and international fellowship programmes for emerging and mid-career researchers in Canada and developing countries. This document details administration of programmes, outreach, stewardship, business models, management and operations, and budgetary statements from 2012-2013.
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    IDRC annual report 2011-2012 : innovating for development; Canada's contribution
    (IDRC, Ottawa, ON, CA, 2012)
    Deeply engaged with the Canadian research community, the IDRC continues to deliver applied research support that helps developing countries increase prosperity, improve security, enhance food security, and ensure access to health services. The report provides a summary of operations, foreign policy context, mandate and objectives, with details of research programmes, activities and outcomes. Financial and auditing statements are also provided.
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    IDRC annual report 2010-2011 : innovating for development
    (IDRC, Ottawa, ON, CA, 2011)
    The year 2010 marked IDRC’s 40th anniversary, and was the first year of the “Strategic Framework 2010-2015.” The report summarizes IDRC programming; in 2010 IDRC supported 924 research activities. Project funding allocations are broken down by category and dollar amounts, which include both parliamentary and donor contributions. Financial and development highlights are provided. The annual report also tracks project expenses and administrative costs as well as a four-year historical review and auditors report.
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    IDRC annual report 2009-2010 : ideas, innovation, impact
    (IDRC, Ottawa, ON, CA, 2010)
    The annual report provides an overview of programming outputs and outcomes, corporate governance, financial statements, the IDRC mandate, and evaluation of performance. It also reviews 40 years of achievements while looking ahead to meeting new challenges. During 2010–2015, the Centre will concentrate its support for research in areas where the needs are especially urgent: agriculture and the environment; science, technology, and innovation; social and economic policy; and health and health systems. Established 40 years ago in 1970, the IDRC believes that researchers in developing countries are best placed to identify and tackle their own development challenges.
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    IDRC annual report 2008-2009 : research in action; local solutions, lasting impacts
    (IDRC, Ottawa, ON, CA, 2009)
    Strong, responsible management, accountable governance, path-breaking research that improves the lives of poor people in developing countries — this summarizes IDRC’s achievements in 2008–2009. The annual report provides information regarding IDRC activities, including researcher profiles, the research chairs initiative, corporate governance, management and performance reports, as well as budgetary and financial information.
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    Rapport annuel CRDI 1972-1973
    (CRDI, Ottawa, ON, CA, 1973)
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    Rapport annuel CRDI 1997-1998
    (CRDI, Ottawa, ON, CA, 1998)
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    IDRC annual report 1997-1998
    (IDRC, Ottawa, ON, CA, 1998)
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    Rapport annuel CRDI 1998-1999
    (CRDI, Ottawa, ON, CA, 1999)