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    Dynamics of remittance utilization by Nigerian households
    (SAGE Publications, 2015) Fonta, William M.; Ayuk, Elias T.; Chukwu, Jude O.; Onyukwu, Onyukwu E.; Agu, Cletus C.; Umenwa, Innocent O.
    The study findings show inflowing remittances to Nigeria are used primarily to subsidize households’ consumption, education and health expenditures. The paper discusses and analyzes the remittance environment, its economic importance, as well as the ‘Diaspora Bonds’ of Nigeria, comparing these to data from other countries. The remittance environment could be further enhanced by financing strategies, including ones that strictly enforce Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) circulars which articulate general rules on electronic banking, and or the Mexican “Tre por uno/ treporuno” programme. Nigeria is one of the world’s top remittance receiving countries.
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    Development outcomes off remittance inflows to Nigeria : the case of the southeastern geopolitical zone
    (Taylor & Francis Group, 2021-01-08) Fonta, William M.; Nwosu, Emmanuel O.; Thfiam, Djiby R.; Ayuk, Elias T.
    Households that receive remittances invest more in building, land acquisitions and household businesses than non-recipient households. There is a dearth of micro-level evidence in sub-Saharan African (SSA) concerning these large inflows which this study paper addresses. The report is a detailed analysis of the study datasets. Migration within the Nigerian context can be seen as part of a broader household livelihood strategy aimed at spreading risks, diversifying income and overcoming social, economic and institutional development constraints in places of origin. Remittance inflows to Nigerian households are found to be consistent with ‘altruistic’ and ‘self-interested’ motives where migrants/emigrants expect nothing in return.
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    Formal and informal enterprises in francophone Africa : moving toward a vibrant private sector
    (IDRC, Ottawa, ON, CA, 2020-07-03) Mbaye, Ahmadou Aly; Golub, Stephen; Gueye, Fatou
    While the duality of African economies is well recognized in economic literature, only a few comprehensive studies have examined the formal and informal economies using the same instruments. The research presented in this book uses a unique dataset carefully collected on both formal and informal firms, and an analytical approach based on a continuum of formality/informality characteristics, to analyze both private entrepreneurship and employment. Focusing on Francophone Africa, with particular emphasis on Benin, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Gabon, and Senegal, the book also includes comparisons with other countries in Africa and in developing regions. The formal economy is shaped by institutions largely determined by their French colonial legacy, reflected in traits such as stringent labour market regulation. This, coupled with weak governance and high factor costs, prevents firms from growing and, thereby, incentivizes informality. Meanwhile, the informal sector is the major source of income and employment, typically accounting for about half of aggregate output and 90 percent of employment. Informal firms embody traditional economic practices, nurtured by deeply entrenched customs and well-established kinship networks, often spanning national borders. The book sheds light on some important and previously understudied aspects of the sector, using case studies, surveys and original data, and interviews. It also makes well targeted policy recommendations, taking into account firm heterogeneity and differentiated responses to various policy stimuli. This book is recommended for undergraduate and graduate students studying economic development in Africa, and economics researchers at universities and think tanks.
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    Impact Red Sur : final technical report
    (2017) Alemany, Cecilia; Lopez, Andres
    Through this project Red Sur and its partners implemented cutting-edge, regional and multi-countries' research that informed the policy agenda not only to foster SMEs development, but also quality job creation by considering the opportunities for productive diversification, technological and environmental upgrading and value-added generation. While at the beginning of the project, the context was that of a commodities boom, the project evolved in a post-boom context, which enabled an analysis of the transition and to extract important lessons for the region from a scientific, developmental and policy perspective. The project mobilised more than 1,500 stakeholders, and seven open calls for papers that mobilised 500 researchers, 41% of which were women, and half of the total were young researchers. Red Sur members were requested by governments‘ official to contribute to policy design, assessment and public decision making in substantive areas of the project and have a high recognition among peers and policy makers as experts in their field. Red Sur was consolidated during this project as the South American Network on Applied Economics and mobilized researchers from 23 LAC countries.
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    Semáforo de gênero das políticas públicas que promovem o empoderamento econômico das mulheres
    (Centro Interdisciplinario de Estudios sobre el Desarrollo-Uruguay (CIEDUR), Montevideo, UY, 2016-10) Espino, Alma; Salvador, Soledad
    Neste relatório, analisa-se o esforço que oito países latino-americanos dedicaram à projeção de políticas públicas que visam enfrentar as conseqüências de uma das mudanças mais significativas das últimas décadas no mercado de trabalho na região: o significativo aumento da participação feminina. Posteriormente, expõem-se os dados que possibilitam a afirmação de que essas políticas ainda não são suficientes para modificar a base conceitual deste mercado: o “modelo do trabalhador ideal”. Esse modelo exclui as mulheres do mercado de trabalho, restringe-lhes o acesso ao mesmo, ou gera e reproduz desigualdades no momento em que elas ingressam ao mercado. A análise vai ainda mais além: a situação, no estado em que está, cria diferenças e desigualdades entre as próprias mulheres; entre aquelas que podem desenvolver estratégias para se aproximarem desse modelo e vencerem as barreiras de forma a ingressarem e permanecerem no mercado de trabalho e aquelas que não estão em condições de fazer isso...
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    Restrições e oportunidades para promover o empoderamento econômico das mulheres
    (Centro Interdisciplinario de Estudios sobre el Desarrollo-Uruguay (CIEDUR), Montevideo, UY, 2016-10) Espino, Alma; Salvador, Soledad
    Este documento apresenta os principais resultados de uma pesquisa realizada em oito países da América Latina sobre as restrições que operam no vínculo das mulheres com o mercado de trabalho: os avanços na sua inserção e as leis que sancionam as práticas discriminatórias não bastam para garantir sua permanência e sua ascensão em um mercado que continua a reproduzir desigualdades para as mulheres. O estudo quantitativo mostra que a preferência de empregadores e empregadoras pela contratação e promoção de homens responde à percepção de que as mulheres priorizam as responsabilidades do lar e estão mais dispostas a ocuparem os piores cargos. O estudo qualitativo, por sua vez, deixa em evidência que essa priorização não é inata e que responde ao fato de a responsabilidade pelas tarefas do lar e da família continuarem a recair nas mulheres...
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    Gender traffic light of public policies that promote women's economic empowerment
    (Centro Interdisciplinario de Estudios sobre el Desarrollo-Uruguay (CIEDUR), Montevideo, UY, 2016-10) Espino, Alma; Salvador, Soledad
    Policies that do not include a gender perspective lead to persistence in labor discrimination and deepening of social inequalities. This report analyzes efforts in the design of public policies from eight countries in Latin America with regard to significant increases in female employment outside the home. “The Gender Traffic Light” model classifies new policies and programs. For instance, policies that introduce a gender perspective are identified with the GREEN LIGHT, because as well as increasing available resources for women, they promote the deconstruction and redefinition of rules and institutions towards gender equality, while planning actions to achieve those results.
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    Restrictions and opportunities to promote women's economic empowerment
    (Centro Interdisciplinario de Estudios sobre el Desarrollo-Uruguay (CIEDUR), Montevideo, UY, 2016-10) Espino, Alma; Salvador, Soledad
    This document presents the main results of a research carried out in eight Latin American countries on the restrictions women find in the labor market: progress made regarding their insertion and laws penalizing discriminatory practices are not enough to ensure their continuity and upward mobility in a market that continues to replicate inequalities for women. The quantitative study shows that employers' preference for hiring and giving promotions to men arises from their perception of women as giving priority to household responsibilities and as more willing to occupy the worst jobs. The qualitative study clarifies that this prioritization is not innate, but due to the fact that household and family responsibilities still fall on women...
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    Semáforo de género de las políticas públicas que promueven el empoderamiento económico de las mujeres
    (Centro Interdisciplinario de Estudios sobre el Desarrollo-Uruguay (CIEDUR), Montevideo, UY, 2016-10) Espino, Alma; Salvador, Soledad
    En este informe se analiza el esfuerzo puesto en el diseño de las políticas públicas de ocho países de América Latina para enfrentar las consecuencias de uno de los cambios más significativos de las últimas décadas en el mercado laboral de la región: el considerable aumento de la participación femenina. Luego se exponen los datos que habilitan a afirmar que estas políticas no logran aún modificar la base conceptual de este mercado: el “modelo de trabajador ideal”, que excluye a las mujeres, les restringe el acceso o les genera y reproduce desigualdades una vez que ingresan en él. El análisis avanza aún más: este estado de situación está creando diferencias y desigualdades entre las propias mujeres, entre quienes pueden desarrollar estrategias para aproximarse a ese modelo y sortear las restricciones para ingresar y permanecer en el mercado laboral y aquellas que no están en condiciones de hacerlo...
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    Restricciones y oportunidades para promover el empoderamiento económico de las mujeres
    (Centro Interdisciplinario de Estudios sobre el Desarrollo-Uruguay (CIEDUR), Montevideo, UY, 2016-10) Espino, Alma; Salvador, Soledad
    En este documento se presentan los principales resultados de una investigación realizada en ocho países de América Latina sobre las restricciones que operan en el vínculo de las mujeres con el mercado laboral: los avances en su inserción y las leyes que sancionan las prácticas discriminatorias no bastan para asegurar su permanencia y su ascenso en un mercado que sigue reproduciendo desigualdades para las mujeres. El estudio cuantitativo muestra que la preferencia de empleadores y empleadoras por contratar y promover hombres obedece a que perciben a las mujeres priorizando las responsabilidades del hogar y más dispuestas a ubicarse en los peores empleos. El estudio cualitativo, por su parte, deja en claro que esta priorización no es innata y que obedece a que la responsabilidad por las tareas hogareñas y familiares sigue recayendo sobre ellas...
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    Quality control checklist for policy briefs
    (IDRC, Ottawa, ON, CA, 2016) Vargas-Garcia, Alejandra
    The checklist is meant to help teams producing briefs to have a fresh look at their output with a critical eye for the content, language and consideration of key audiences, and process, which includes copyediting. The document provides standards for principal investigators, researchers and grantees when writing drafts for IDRC Uptake and other Project Officers, who can then provide input and support for draft revisions.
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    Structural change and dynamics of labor markets in Bangladesh : studies on labor and employment
    (South Asian Network on Economic Modeling (SANEM), Dhaka, BD, 2016-02) Raihan, Selim
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    Indian climate change policy : exploring a co-benefits based approach
    (Sameeksha Trust, 2013-06) Dubash, Navroz K.; Raghunandan, D.; Sant, Girish; Sreenivas, Ashok
    There is a growing body of climate-related policy in India; at the same time, there is no clear and consistent approach or framework that directs and guides these efforts. In this paper, we propose and develop a methodology for operationalising a co-benefits approach to climate policy formulation. We use the technique of multi-criteria analysis, which requires making choices between and examining trade-offs across multiple objectives of policy, such as growth, inclusion and environment. In addition, we develop a framework for consideration of implementation issues. We focus on policies related to energy; but we believe the approach can also be modified to address adaptation concerns. The structured tool of the sort proposed here would hopefully contribute to more informed and deliberative decision-making on climate-related issues.
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    Promoting indicators : the case of Colombian health system
    (Los Andes University, 2014) Yate Cortes, Stephania
    This paper evaluates how different entities, both national and international, interact with the design of indicators, and how the Colombian Constitutional Court promotes the use of indicator tools to assess government regulation. The Court highlights use of criteria to fulfill the right to health, and what variables must be included towards a complete understanding of compliance regarding that right. The study examines global concern for the right to health and the use of rights indicators. The Court created guidelines for the development of indicators that helped to identify the features of a constitutional health system.
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    Institutionalization of climate policy in India : designing for co-benefits and mainstreaming
    (Climate Initiative, Centre for Policy Research, New Delhi, IN, 2014-12) Dubash, Navroz K.; Joseph, Neha B.
    This study supports an institutional design that mainstreams climate policy, which is integrated into development planning. Over the period covered by this paper, from 2007 to mid-2014, there has been a steady and growing institutionalization of climate governance in India. The Climate Initiative aims to generate analysis of global climate negotiations and the links between the global climate regime and domestic laws, policies and institutions in India. A development-first, co-benefits based approach to climate change mitigation emphasizing adaptation as a priority, makes India a useful case study in the processes of institutionalization of climate policy.
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    Estado de la cuestión del sistema anticorrupción en el Perú
    (2014-12) Meini, Iván
    En el presente estudio se describe, sin pretensión de exhaustividad, el marco normativo, institucional y procedimental, de la lucha contra la corrupción en el Perú, desde un plano penal y administrativo. Asimismo, se reflexiona sobre la idoneidad de dicho marco anticorrupción para enfrentar casos y procesos en donde existen notorios intereses (p.e. económicos o políticos).
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    Brazilian justice confidence index - measuring public perception on judicial performance in Brazil
    (2014) Cunha, Luciana Gross; de Oliveira, Fabiana Luci; Glezer, Rubens Eduardo
    The goal of the paper is to describe the design, development and consolidation of a measure method for the public perception of judicial performance in Brazil —the Brazilian Justice Confidence Index (jcibrazil). Since April 2009, jcibrazil has been published quarterly, amounting to twelve waves. The overall results point to a trend of poor assessment of the judiciary as a public service provider so that its slowness in response, its high cost and the difficult to use it. Although we have these results, the Brazilian policymakers should rely more closely on those statistics in order to align public policies to the improvement of the system. Attention must be given not only to the production of studies, research and data on the justice system, but also to the use and application of studies results and data.
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    From to margins mainstream? : state climate change planning in India as a door opener' to a sustainable future
    (Climate Initiative, Centre for Policy Research, New Delhi, IN, 2014-02) Dubash, Navroz K.; Jogesh, Anu
    State Action Plans on Climate Change hold potential as an important intervention in the development process. They provide an institutional platform to mainstream concerns of environmental sustainability into development planning and, if done properly, to update ideas of sustainability to include climate resilience. This platform provides a potential opening to enterprising and committed bureaucrats, but is also an opening with which development practitioners, academics, business, and civil society at large could productively engage...