Natural Resources / Ressources naturelles

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  • ItemOpen Access
    Gestion de la demande en eau : politiques, pratiques et enseignements tirés au Moyen-Orient et en Afrique du Nord
    (IWA Publishing, 2005) Baroudy, Ellysar; Abid Lahlou, Abderrafii; Attia, Bayoumi
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    Integrated natural resource management in the Highlands of Eastern Africa : from concept to practice
    (IDRC, Ottawa, ON, CA, 2012) German, Laura; Mowo, Jeremias; Amede, Tilahun; Masuki, Kenneth
    This book summarizes experiences of farmers, research and development workers, policy and decision-makers in an integrated approach to natural resource management (INRM) through the African Highlands Initiative (AHI). It includes examples and case studies from five benchmark sites in Ethiopia, Uganda, Kenya, and Tanzania, whose variability illustrates the complexities of integrated NRM in agro-ecosystems. AHI has achieved unique success in implementing INRM that works. Highlands worldwide are important repositories of biodiversity as well as “water towers” for vast lowland and urban populations. This book documents a decade of research, methodological innovation, and lessons learned in an eco-regional research-for-development program.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Irrigation avec des eaux usées et la santé : évaluer et atténuer les risques dans les pays à faible revenu
    (CRDI, Ottawa, ON, CA, 2011) Drechsel, Pay; Scott, Christopher A.; Raschid-Sally, Liqa; Redwood, Mark; Bahri, Akiça
    Dans la plupart des pays en développement, les systèmes de traitement des eaux usées sont très peu étendus ou sont peu efficaces, ce qui engendre une pollution de l’eau à vaste échelle et l’utilisation d’eau de mauvaise qualité pour l’irrigation des cultures, notamment à proximité des centres urbains. Cela pose de grands risques pour la santé publique, en particulier lorsque la production est consommée crue. Wastewater Irrigation and Health aborde ce sérieux problème d’un point de vue pratique et réaliste, en traitant des enjeux de l’évaluation des risques pour la santé et de leur atténuation dans le contexte des pays en développement. Le livre est donc un complément utile d’autres ouvrages consacrés au thème des eaux usées qui mettent l’accent sur les options de traitement haut de gamme et sur l’utilisation des eaux usées. Ce livre fait avancer le débat en couvrant également la réalité, répandue, de l’utilisation des eaux usées non traitées, des eaux grises et des excrétas. Il présente des méthodes d’avant-garde d’évaluation quantitative des risques de même que des solutions peu coûteuses pour la réduction des risques pour la santé, depuis le traitement jusqu’aux mesures adoptées sur la ferme et hors de la ferme, qui vont dans le sens de l’approche à barrières multiples préconisée dans les lignes directrices relatives à l’utilisation sans risque des eaux usées en agriculture publiées par l’Organisation mondiale de la santé en 2006. Les 38 auteurs et coauteurs sont des experts internationaux clés dans le domaine de l’irrigation au moyen d’eaux usées, à savoir des agronomes, ingénieurs, spécialistes des sciences sociales et chercheurs en santé publique d’Afrique, d’Asie, d’Europe, d’Amérique du Nord et d’Australie. Les chapitres présentent des expériences vécues un peu partout dans les pays en développement, notamment des études de cas portant sur l’Afrique subsaharienne, l’Asie, le Mexique et le Moyen-Orient. Le livre traite également d’options en matière de récupération des ressources et de gouvernance des eaux usées en établissant ainsi un lien clair entre agriculture, santé et assainissement qui est souvent le chaînon manquant des débats actuels sur la question de faire des eaux usées un atout.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Managing natural resources for development in Africa : a resource book
    (IDRC, Ottawa, ON, CA, 2010) Ochola, Washington O.; Sanginga, Pascal C.; Bekalo, Isaac
    The conceptual difference between conventional scientific and natural resource management (NRM) research is based on the need for researchers and the NRM community to be joint learning partners in the process. “Managing Natural Resources for Development in Africa” is a collective endeavour to reframe, filter and contextualize some of the main concepts, theories and practices of NRM. It provides up to date information, and discusses approaches that can equip African graduates with the knowledge, skills and attitudes to respond to changes in social and ecological systems. (Includes a back-of-the-book Index).
  • ItemOpen Access
    Natural resource management : the impact of gender and social issues
    (IDRC, Ottawa, ON, CA, 2010) Flintan, Fiona; Tedla, Shibru
    Six research studies are reflected in this volume, exploring the inclusion of gender within natural resource management (NRM) and conservation. The book looks at new trends and drivers in NRM and rural poverty in Africa. Gender relations have a direct impact on the use, management, and conservation of natural resources. Both men and women tend to classify NRM in relation to the spaces that they themselves inhabit, women talking more about households and river resources, and men about agricultural land and forests. Women have been found to be the main farm operators, yet they have the least say in the use of farm resources.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Land tenure, gender and globalisation [globalization] : research and analysis from Africa, Asia and Latin America
    (IDRC, Ottawa, ON, CA, 2010) Tsikata, Dzodzi; Golah, Pamela
    This book explores the relationship between gender and land, the gendered implications of globalisation on social relations and resource control, and the workings of global capital. Its central focus is examination of globalisation and how the associated changes in land use and tenure affect rural women. A parallel current is people’s resistance to global forces, frequently demonstrated through insistence on the uniqueness of their livelihoods. The book tackles globalisation as an economic process with material consequences for land tenure systems, people’s livelihoods and gender relations, anchored by case studies in Brazil, Bolivia, Peru, Cameroon, Ghana and Vietnam.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Aprendizaje colaborativo en acción : ejemplos del manejo de los recursos naturales en Asia
    (CIID, Ottawa, ON, CA, 2010) Vernooy, Ronnie
    Inspirado en investigaciones y experiencias concretas de China y del Sur y Sudeste de Asia, este libro presenta y analiza enfoques novedosos de aprendizaje mutuo y comunidades de práctica. Mediante estudios de caso se muestra cómo, en un esfuerzo conjunto de investigadores y otros actores, las comunidades locales abordan los desafíos que presenta el manejo de recursos naturales y aprenden las lecciones que de ahí se derivan. Se demuestran los méritos de estrategias de aprendizaje basadas en una variedad de métodos y enraizadas en el contexto local, con participación de facilitadores para asegurar, desde el comienzo, un marco sólido de estrecha colaboración y gestión dinámica de los procesos. Esta obra muestra que las estrategias de aprendizaje innovadoras y basadas en la colaboración pueden conducir a un desarrollo rural más sólido. El aprendizaje colaborativo en acción será de interés para académicos, investigadores y estudiantes de postgrado en disciplinas de desarrollo; profesionales y trabajadores del desarrollo, especialmente en los campos de desarrollo de capacidad y metodologías de participación-acción. También será de utilidad a administradores de programas y personas responsables de tomar decisiones en organismos donantes y agencias de desarrollo internacional.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Greywater use in the Middle East : technical, social, economic and policy issues
    (IDRC, Ottawa, ON, CA, 2010) McIlwaine, Stephen; Redwood, Mark
    This book outlines the use of greywater (GW) to mitigate some of the burden of poverty especially where there is little or no connection to the main sewerage or water provision networks. The book discusses details of three separate GW pilot schemes in Jordan and Palestine. Technical details of the treatment units are provided, along with performance evaluations. GW use and the training and awareness associated with it should become part of a wider approach to water conservation and governance in general. GW pilot schemes need to recognize contexts where deprived households may seek individual advantages above social and community obligations.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Collaborative learning in practice : examples from natural resource management in Asia
    (IDRC, Ottawa, ON, CA, 2010) Vernooy, Ronnie
    This book is about collaborative learning for participatory rural development with a focus on community-based natural resource management (CBNRM) approaches. The case studies from China, South Asia and Southeast Asia focus on real-life, complex learning situations concerning CBNRM dilemmas. They illustrate the gradual making of novel communities of practice for capacity development, demonstrate both the process and outcome merits of using a variety of learning methods, and include facilitator participation as an integral part of the learning process. The effectiveness of capacity development strategies is increased through solid grounding in the local context.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Wastewater irrigation and health : assessing and mitigating risk in low-income countries
    (IDRC, Ottawa, ON, CA, 2010) Drechsel, Pay; Scott, Christopher A.; Raschid-Sally, Liqa; Redwood, Mark; Bahri, Akiça
    The book presents quantitative risk assessment for uses of wastewater, along with low-cost options for health risk reduction, wastewater treatment, and on-farm and off-farm measures, that align with multiple barrier guidelines for safe wastewater irrigation. The guidelines were published by the World Health Organization (2006). Chapters highlight experiences across the developing world with reference to various case studies from sub-Saharan Africa, Asia, Mexico and the Middle East. The book also addresses options for resource recovery and wastewater governance, clearly establishing a connection between agriculture, health, and sanitation which is often the missing link in discussions about using wastewater as an asset.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Beyond proprietorship : Murphree's laws on community-based natural resource management in Southern Africa
    (IDRC, Ottawa, ON, CA, 2009) Mukamuri, B.B.; Manjengwa, J.M.; Anstey, S.
    Beyond Proprietorship presents a range of contributions to the May 2007 conference held to honour Murphree’s work, and it conveys his central concerns of equality and fairness. The focus is on marginalized people living in poor and remote regions of Zimbabwe, but also includes important discussions about the policy implications of regional tenure regimes, and the place of local resource management in global conservation politics. The book is essential reading for anyone interested in the recent history and experience of remote area development, semi-arid agriculture, conservation, and wildlife utilization in southern Africa.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Gender and social issues in natural resource management research for development
    (Organization for Social Science Research in Eastern and Southern Africa (OSSREA), Addis Ababa, ET, 2007) Tedla, Shibru; Flintan, Fiona
    This book is derived from a series of research projects carried out through the sponsorship of the Organization for Social Science Research in Eastern and Southern Africa (OSSREA) with the help of a grant provided by the International Research Development Centre (IDRC) of Canada. The goal of the research endeavours, and therefore of this book, was to build capacity amongst natural resource management (NRM) researchers, with emphasis on land and water management in the sub-region, and to document the processes and examples of best practice made by NRM researchers towards integrating gender analysis and participatory research.
  • ItemOpen Access
  • ItemOpen Access
    Participatory research and development for sustainable agriculture and natural resource management : a sourcebook; volume 3, doing participatory research and development
    (IDRC, Ottawa, ON, CA, 2006) Gonsalves, Julian; Becker, Thomas; Braun, Ann; Fajber, Elizabeth; Vernooy, Ronnie
  • ItemOpen Access
    Participatory research and development for sustainable agriculture and natural resource management : a sourcebook; volume 2, enabling participatory research and development
    (IDRC, Ottawa, ON, CA, 2006) Gonsalves, Julian; Becker, Thomas; Braun, Ann; Fajber, Elizabeth; Vernooy, Ronnie
  • ItemOpen Access
    Manejo de las pesquerías en ríos de Sudamérica
    (IDRC, Ottawa, ON, CA, 2008) Pinedo, Danny; Soria, Carlos
  • ItemOpen Access
    Water as a human right for the Middle East and North Africa
    (IDRC, Ottawa, ON, CA, 2008) Biswas, Asit K.; Rached, Eglal; Tortajada, Cecilia
    In 1992, the United Nations proclaimed that water should be considered a human right. This book comprehensively analyzes the legal development of the concept of water as a human right, including: Implications for national governments, and international and national organisations; Progress made on this front in Middle East and North African (MENA) countries; Obstacles to universal access to water-related services and how they can be overcome.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Gender and natural resource management : livelihoods, mobility and interventions
    (IDRC, Ottawa, ON, CA, 2008) Resurreccion, Bernadette; Elmhirst, Rebecca