Jermias Kolimon, Soleman Kermo ImanuelTrisnantoro, LaksonoHandono Sulistyo, Dwi2015-04-232015-04-232012Jermias Kolimon, S.K.I., Trisnantoro, L., & Handono Sulistyo, D. (2012). Kebijakan insentif dokter umum dan dokter gigi berdasarkan beban kerja di kabupaten Alor tahun 2011 : time dan motion study. Jurnal Kebijakan Kesehatan Indonesia, 1(4): 215-223.2089-2624 The scarcity problem of general physicians and dentist in Alor District treated by the government by providing Rp. 6.500.000,- monthly payment for the general physicians and the dentists. The payments policy is given conservative (incrementally) and politically aimed at motivating the medical staffs to become civil servants. Objective: To analyze the providing of payment to the general physicians and dentists based on their workload in Alor District 2011 Methods: This research is qualitative research using single spike case study design to find out the policy of providing payment to general physicians and dentists based on their workload in Alor District 2011. The samples of this research are comprised of 11 people observed for their workload and 4 non medical staffs interviewed regarding their perception of the payment policy. Result: The result of workload observation using time and motion study showed that the time for indirect services was higher than the direct service one. The physicians seemed to less attentive to the preventive care services rather they spent more time to non productive activities. Other medical staffs felt that the payment policy was unfair. The general physicians and dentists should get around Rp. 2.660.000,- to Rp. 4.334.000,- per month considering their current workload. Conclusion: The general physicians and dentists in Alor District haven’t been working optimally. The curative activities are the most frequent duty performed. Most of the physicians’ working time spent for indirect services or integrative tasks accomplishment. During working hours, the proportion of non productive activities is higher than the productive ones. The payment policy to the general physicians and dentists in Alor District has been unfair compared to the other health professions. The payment received by the general physicians and dentists currently is higher than their workload.Text1 digital file (p. 215-223)application/pdfidHUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENTPHYSICIANSHEALTH PERSONNELFEES AND CHARGESPROFESSIONAL ETHICSINDONESIA--ALORWORKING CONDITIONSPRODUCTIVITYWORKLOADSHEALTH SERVICESKebijakan insentif dokter umum dan dokter gigi berdasarkan beban kerja di kabupaten Alor tahun 2011 : time dan motion studyPayment policy toward general physicians and dentists based on their workload in Alor district 2011 : time and motion studyJournal Article (peer-reviewed)