Mbangwana, Moses AtezahDarave, DramaneBarry, AbdoulayeSithabile Ndlovu, NokulungaMoll, Ian2009-07-082009-07-082009 version available in IDRC Digital Library: PanAf Edu : bulletin d'information de l'Agenda panafricain de recherche sur l'intégration pédagogique des TIC; no. 4, février 2009The fourth newsletter of the PanAf project addresses the integration of ICTs in educational practices. Other articles in the newsletter treat obstacles to the integration of ICTs in teaching. The authors include issues in equipment, software and connectivity, and underline the often low level of techno-pedagogic skills of teachers. Technological disparities between schools are marked by their socioeconomic differences as well as disparities in access to ICTs.1 digital file (12 p. : ill.)application/pdfenNEWSLETTERSEDUCATIONACCESS TO INFORMATIONNEW TECHNOLOGYINFORMATION TECHNOLOGYINTERNETCOMPUTERSSCHOOLSTEACHER TRAININGQUALITY OF EDUCATIONSOUTH OF SAHARAACCESS TO ICTDIGITAL DIVIDEPanAf Edu : newsletter of the Panafrican research agenda on the pedagogical integration of ICTs; no. 4, February 2009eLearning Africa 2009Bulletin or Newsletter