Timmers, Beth2020-06-092020-06-092020http://hdl.handle.net/10625/59027This dissertation advances the case that Jamaica’s domestic food system endures because it serves integral roles in society through its diversity, flexibility and embeddedness, qualities that tend to be obfuscated by dominant bodies of critical food studies scholarship. The central objectives of the research are (1) to explain three specific roles that Jamaica’s food system serves today; (2) to bring insights to critical food scholarship; and (3) to provide reflections on policies that can support Jamaica’s current efforts to support its domestic food system.application/pdfenLOCAL FOOD SYSTEMSPLANTATIONSCOLONIALISMFOOD SECURITYFOOD POLICYFOOD SOVEREIGNTYPLACE BASED RESEARCHSMALLHOLDERSJAMAICAWEST INDIESGrowing what we eat, eating what we grow : investigating the enduring role of Jamaica's domestic food systemThesis