Centre of Excellence for CRVS Systems / Le Centre d’excellence sur les systèmes ESEC2021-06-092021-06-092019http://hdl.handle.net/10625/60228French version available in IDRC Digital LibraryCivil registration and identity documentation (ID) can lower the barriers and risks that refugees face. Birth registration provides proof of a child’s name, place of birth and identity of parents. This enables the child to claim proof of nationality and thus access their rights. Proof of age, identity and nationality facilitates freedom of movement, access to essential services, and social protection.application/pdfenREFUGEESHUMAN SECURITYRESPONSIBILITY TO PROTECTRIGHT TO SECURITY OF PERSONLEGAL IDENTITYCHILD HEALTHCHILDREN'S RIGHTSACCESS TO SERVICESUNITED NATIONSGLOBALRefugees are more vulnerable without civil registration and ID. How can we help?Social Media Post