Simonet, CatherineJobbins, Guy2020-03-102020-03-102016-04 report presents a case study from Senegal that explores the relationships between economic development and climate change. Urbanisation and economic diversification are transforming the climatic risks that Senegal faces and widening the rural-urban resilience gap. The tourism sector, historically presented as an opportunity to reduce economic exposure to drought, has in fact contributed to new forms of vulnerability. Internal migration from rural inlands to urban coastal areas reduced vulnerability to droughts but increased exposure and sensitivity to floods and coastal erosion. A clear legal framework on land use is essential, along with a strict ban on coastline sand collection.application/pdfenCLIMATE CHANGE MITIGATIONLAND USE CHANGESEMI-ARID REGIONSECONOMIC DIVERSIFICATIONVULNERABILITYCOASTAL AREASTOURISMFLOODSEROSIONSENEGALSOUTH OF SAHARAUnderstanding patterns of climate resilient development : the case of SenegalWorking Paper