Kaira, Thula2011-06-212011-06-212011http://hdl.handle.net/10625/46305Meeting: IDRC Pre-ICN Forum on Competition and Development, The Hague, Netherlands, 17 May 2011PowerPoint presentationThe slide presentation provides information and analysis on major points of competition law as it applies in Botswana and Zambia, as well as some of the ways legal procedures play out. Institutional effectiveness hinges largely on political support – through the appointment of credible individuals to serve in the investigative and adjudicative organs. In both countries the Authority is not legally obliged to publish its full report: a summary and reasons for the decision suffices. In both Zambia and Botswana the adjudicative organs can determine their own procedure.Text1 digital file (30 p. : ill.)enCOMPETITIONLAWCOMPETITION LAWCONSUMER PROTECTIONGOVERNANCEINTERNATIONAL TRADEBOTSWANAZAMBIAACCOUNTABILITYLEGAL FRAMEWORKSOUTH OF SAHARACOMPETITION POLICYENFORCEMENTDesign, process and procedures in the competition laws and agency effectiveness : a case for Botswana and ZambiaPresentation