Diga, Kathleen2010-11-262010-11-262010http://hdl.handle.net/10625/45267This training manual guides research assistants through various qualitative methods to be used while collecting data in the field. It explains background to the study and provides an overview of procedures. The study looks at how poor households have changed spending patterns prior to and after purchasing mobile phones and phone services. It is based on current ongoing work being conducted by African ICT research networks and is part of the project “Mobile Phone Telephony and Poverty Reduction: Technology Spending Patterns and Poverty Level Change within Households in Eastern Africa.”Text1 digital file (37 p. : ill.)application/pdfenUGANDAKENYAMOBILE PHONESDATA COLLECTIONINNOVATION ADOPTIONTRAINING PROGRAMMESFIELD ACTIVITYICTSAMPLE SURVEYSMETHODOLOGYRESEARCH ASSISTANTSRESEARCH WORKERSMANUALSSOUTH OF SAHARATraining guide : mobile phone and spending behaviour studyIDRC Final Report