Fillion, MyriamPhilibert, AlineMertens, FrédéricLemire, MélanieJosé, Carlos2012-03-152012-03-152011 Caruso Project used an Ecosystem Approach to Human Health to examine mercury (Hg) exposure in fish-eating communities in the Brazilian Amazon, and developed interventions to maximise nutrition from traditional diet while minimizing toxic risk. This article describes the village context and intervention strategies over time, and examines the evolution of fish consumption practices, exposure and health outcomes for persons who participated in the studies. A decrease in Hg exposure is attributed to the intervention and socio-economic changes in the village.Text1 digital file (p. 210-222)enMERCURYFISH CONSUMPTIONINTERVENTIONECOSYSTEM APPROACHESBRAZILHUMAN NUTRITIONRIVERSMERCURY CONTAMINATIONAMAZONECOSYSTEMSTOXIC SUBSTANCESNEUROTOXICITYECOHEALTHSOUTH AMERICANeurotoxic sequelae of mercury exposure : an intervention and follow-up study in the Brazilian AmazonJournal Article (peer-reviewed)