McLean, RobertSen, Kunal2018-06-112018-06-112018 analysis suggests that efforts to strengthen research capacity are positively correlated with scientific merit. Contrary to conventional wisdom, there is no clear trade-off between the rigour of research, and the utility of research. “Research Quality Plus (RQ+)“ is an evaluative framework which incorporates a growing international and interdisciplinary call for reform in the way research evaluation is conducted. Evidence indicates that those located closest to a development challenge are best positioned to innovate a solution. The results present novel evidence for consideration by those supporting, using, and doing research for development.application/pdfenRESEARCH EVALUATIONRESEARCH QUALITYRESEARCH QUALITY PLUSRQ+GLOBAL SOUTHEVALUATION METHODSEVALUATION RESEARCHRESEARCH CAPACITYMaking a difference in the real world? : a meta-analysis of research for developmentWorking Paper