Foti, JosephArce, SandyFalla, RenzoHickle, JessicaGalang, KatrinaTuths, PeterBluma, StephanieMonaco, JessicaHasan, MunyemaBernhard, MichaelBanks, BrianFagan, CraigGeunis, LotteWeyandt, Raymond2019-09-112019-09-112019 volume reports on the world’s governance data, across multiple dimensions of democracy and openness. Reflecting a database of dozens of indicators from third-party sources across five policy dimensions (civic space, anti-corruption initiatives, open policy-making, access to information, and fiscal openness) this report compares 42 countries that have been in Open Government Partnership (OGP) for more than five years to non-OGP countries. Seventy-nine countries and a growing number of local governments, representing more than two billion people have joined the OGP to join forces, commit to reforms to open up government, and together ensure that public institutions work for citizens.application/pdfenOPEN DATADEMOCRATIZATIONPOLITICAL REFORMFREEDOM OF SPEECHFREEDOM OF ASSEMBLYANTI-CORRUPTIONCORRUPTIONELECTIONSOPEN GOVERNMENTMONITORING AND EVALUATIONCIVIL AND POLITICAL RIGHTSHUMAN RIGHTSSURVEILLANCEHEALTH DATAAUTHORITARIANISMGLOBALOpen government partnership global report - volume 1 : democracy beyond the ballot boxBook