Secretariat for Institutional Support for Economic Research in AfricaAfrican Institute for Applied Economics2007-11-132005-03-172007-11-132004 paper traces the economic underpinnings of tariff formation and implications of different tariff rates. It posits that there is no magic formula in determining the appropriate level of tariff pertinent to the implementation of a medium- term growth strategy in sub-Saharan African countries. Ultimately the particular circumstances of each country will determine the structure of tariff rates. A rate that maximizes economic welfare for any developing country has to take into account the particular economic circumstances, the institutional structures available for trade liberalization, and complementary instruments for trade and growth facilitation, as well as the process, speed, and sequencing of liberalization.Text23 p. : ill.enTRADE LIBERALIZATIONTARIFFSTARIFF POLICYSOUTH OF SAHARAPROTECTIONISMEMERGING ECONOMIESMARKET ACCESSWhat is the optimal level of tariffs for African countries?Working Paper