Sambuli, NanjiraCrandall, AngelaCostello, PatrickOrwa, ChrisMarchant, Eleanor2015-03-042015-03-0420132013-08 guide to crowdsourcing walks you through considerations to help determine if crowdsourcing using online/mobile technology is a viable tool for you to use during an election context. The key considerations include: 1) the kind of data you are interested in collecting; 2) the freedom and risk factors in the country in which you wish to conduct the crowdsourcing; and 3) demographics and the people’s access to, and cultural approach to, technology. These will each be outlined in turn to help you make your decision. This guide also offers advice on crowdsourcing tools that can help based on your verification and validity needs.Text1 digital file (27 p.)Application/pdfenMANUALSMOBILE TECHNOLOGYCROWDSOURCINGELECTIONSDATA COLLECTINGVOTINGINTERNET USECOMMUNICATION INDUSTRYMEDIAFREEDOM OF INFORMATIONSOCIAL MEDIAGOVERNMENT POLICYLEGISLATIONE-GOVERNMENTDATA MININGGuide : 3 Vs crowdsourcing framework for elections; viability, verification, validityTraining Material