Boiarov, SoniaSpinks, WendyOrtiz Chaparro, FranciscoGordon, GilGaudes, AndrewVirolainen, Harri2011-08-302011-08-302011978-1-4135-7654-2 version available in IDRC Digital Library: Telework Argentina : teletrabajo para el desarrollo sustentableFocusing on three cities: Buenos Aires (Argentina), Mexico City and Lima (Peru), this project assesses the extent telework could contribute to reducing vehicle emissions and saving energy, both in the home and at the workplace. The project also explores the social, cultural and economic implications of telework, its impact on family dynamics, gender roles, and work‐life balance. As this collection of papers demonstrates, emerging economies look to telework to address a range of issues, from creating effective business models, injecting more social equity into the labour market, promoting greater access to educational opportunities and pursuing more sustainable ways of working.Text125 p. : ill.enARGENTINACOSTA RICAFINLANDECONOMIC AND SOCIAL DEVELOPMENTURBAN ECONOMYRURAL ECONOMYINFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGY (ICT)INTERNATIONAL LABOUR STANDARDSLABOUR RELATIONSWORKING CONDITIONSOPERATIONS RESEARCHMEXICOPERUCOLOMBIATELEWORKRESEARCH TO POLICYEMERGING ECONOMIESGLOBALTelework Argentina : telework for sustainable developmentBook