Tosic, MarkoMartins, FlavioLonin, SergueiIzquierdo, AlfredoRestepo, Juan DarioJaneiro, Joao2020-07-142020-07-142020-05-26 study monitors upstream anthropogenic impacts on freshwater runoff and the effects on the bay’s hydrodynamic processes of water renewal. This one-pager provides information on a calibrated hydrodynamic model (MOHID) which enables study of the pollution discharging into the Caribbean Sea – runoff from the Dique Canal into Cartagena Bay via the Magdalena River. The discharge is increasing due to human impacts on the watershed. This presentation provides some results and conclusions regarding how to build resilience in Cartagena Bay circulation patterns.application/pdfenWATER POLLUTIONPOLLUTIONFRESHWATERHYDROLOGYRUNOFF WATERCARIBBEANCOLOMBIASOUTH AMERICAHydromatic modelling of Cartagena Bay : ColombiaBulletin or Newsletter