O'Neil, Maureen2007-11-132007-11-132007http://hdl.handle.net/10625/28710Some text in FrenchIndividuals associated with IDRC have gone on to become heads of government or senior officials including Presidents Ricardo Lagos of Chile and Fernando Henrique Cardoso of Brazil and Finance Minister Alejandro Foxley of Chile. Their years of working with IDRC have perhaps influenced them in becoming strong advocates of the role of knowledge and research in building and maintaining healthy democracies. … “Comme vous voyez les travaux du CRDI sont vastes, mais je m’arrête ici car vous êtes venus écouter nos panelistes… » These are introductory remarks to the conference.1 digital fileapplication/pdfenRESEARCH NETWORKSSOCIAL SCIENCESDEMOCRATIZATIONECONOMIC AND SOCIAL DEVELOPMENTINTERNATIONAL COOPERATIONCANADALATIN AMERICAIDRCCONFERENCEDemocracy in the Americas : are Canadians and Latin Americans on the same wavelength? : welcoming remarks at the forum, IDRC, Ottawa, June 21, 2007Presentation