Lemos, RonaldoVaron Ferraz, Joana2013-08-272013-08-272013http://hdl.handle.net/10625/51578Pre-print versionThis chapter describes the field of Information and Communication Technologies for Development (ICT4D) and maps key debates surrounding it. Practical examples of ICT use in the developing world are examined, including telecentres, LAN houses, and the growing number of mobile devices affordable to the poor. Critical issues include the extent to which markets provide access to ICTs, and the extent to which ICTs empower wider social transformation. Ongoing debate revolves around internet governance and which policies foster or threaten online rights. The chapter is part of the volume “International development : ideas, experience and prospects”.Text1 digital file (43 p.)Application/pdfenINFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGY (ICT)ICT4DTELECENTRESINTERNET FREEDOMSCALABILITYDIGITAL DIVIDESOCIAL CHANGEBROADBANDCIVIL SOCIETYSOCIAL MOBILIZATIONDEVELOPING COUNTRIESDEVELOPMENT THEORYGLOBAL SOUTHCONNECTIVITYACCESS TO ICTInformation and communication technologies for developmentInternational development : ideas, experience and prospects; chapter 36Book Chapter