Johnston, P.A.Tadross, M.Hewitson, BruceLumsden, Trevor2012-04-032012-04-032012 study works towards bridging communication and data gaps between climate scientists and water planners, allowing water planners to work with useable climate change data and take into account probabilistic scenarios of change. The research focuses on the implications of climate change on agriculture in the Berg River Catchment Area of the Western Cape region of South Africa. It uses statistically downscaled climate change scenarios, providing data from the scenarios in a form that can be utilised in a hydrological model that is able to reflect a regional scale.enCLIMATE CHANGEHYDROLOGICAL MODELSSOUTH AFRICA--WESTERN CAPEINTERGOVERNMENTAL PANEL ON CLIMATE CHANGE (IPCC)RIVER BASINSWATER MANAGEMENTRAINFALLDROUGHTCLIMATE CHANGE VULNERABILITYHYDROLOGYWATER DEMANDSOUTH OF SAHARADOWNSCALINGDownscaled climate change scenarios for the SW Cape - and using them in hydrological models to determine impactsIDRC-Related Report