Duran, Ana ClaraRicardo, Camila Z.Mais, Laís A.Martins, Ana PaulaTaillie, Lindsey S.2020-11-192020-11-192020-10http://hdl.handle.net/10625/59627The study examined whether foods with nutritional claims were more likely to be high in critical nutrients. Twenty to thirty percent of caloric intake in Brazil is through ultra-processed foods (UPF). Increased consumption of UPF is associated with weight gain, hypertension, and all causes of mortality. Front-of-package (FoP) nutritional labeling can improve consumers’ ability to assess the healthfulness of products and help them make healthier choices. Nutrition claims were the most prevalent (28.5%), followed by health claims (22.1%), and environment-related claims (5.2%).application/pdfenNUTRITIONDIETPUBLIC HEALTHULTRA-PROCESSED PRODUCTSLABELINGPACKAGINGREGULATIONFOOD POLICYBRAZILSOUTH AMERICAPrevalence of health, nutrition, and environment-related claims in the Brazilian packaged food supplyPresentation