O'Neil, Maureen2008-03-312008-03-312007http://hdl.handle.net/10625/35182The Teasdale-Corti Global Health Research Partnership Program is the flagship of the Global Health Research Initiative (GHRI) programming, a collaborative effort between the major Canadian health research and development agencies. It aims to strengthen and coordinate efforts in global health research, and to address key priorities of low and middle-income countries. These are opening remarks to the inaugural forum.1 digital fileapplication/pdfenHEALTH RESEARCHRESEARCH FELLOWSHIPSGLOBAL HEALTHRESEARCH COLLABORATIONPARTNERSHIPSCANADACONFERENCENORTH AND CENTRAL AMERICAOpening remarks at the Teasdale-Corti Health Research Partnership Program Team Leaders' Meeting, Grand Hall, Canadian Museum of Civilisation, Gatineau, 18h30, Wednesday, November 7, 2007Presentation