2007-11-132006-05-302007-11-132005http://hdl.handle.net/10625/26027The IDRC sought to understand what training options are available for future efforts in strengthening research capacity in the Global South. The evaluation presents an indicative picture of the main types of support for training activities, but considering the sheer volume of information available, it is far from exhaustive. Sections include: The global environment of training for development; Foundations/Trusts/Private sector; Multilateral agencies; Networks/Institution-based programs; Operational issues and considerations; and, “Some organizations that support research and research training on development, and the URLs of their Websites.”1 digital fileenIDRCTRAININGHIGHER EDUCATIONRESEARCH FELLOWSHIPSRESEARCH PROGRAMMESEVALUATIONCOMPARATIVE ANALYSISINTERNATIONAL COOPERATIONADMINISTRATIVE ASPECTSRESEARCH WORKERSCAPACITY BUILDINGRESEARCH NETWORKSGLOBAL SOUTHAdvanced education and training options available to IDRCIDRC Evaluation Report