O'Neil, Maureen2007-11-132007-11-132007http://hdl.handle.net/10625/31977Research and innovation can powerfully accelerate development, in part by informing governance that is open, accountable, and participatory. Converting knowledge into poverty reduction and appropriate development raises questions traditionally put to social scientists: questions of community action, political change, policy processes, and economics. Research is a necessity for just and sustainable development. These opening remarks emphasize that when it comes to sustainable development, good governance is by definition, democratic governance.1 digital fileapplication/pdfenDEMOCRATIZATIONDEMOCRATIC GOVERNANCEECONOMIC AND SOCIAL DEVELOPMENTCONFERENCEIDRCCANADANORTH AND CENTRAL AMERICADemocracy and development : the research imperative; opening remarks at a meeting of the Society for International Development (SID), Ottawa - Gatineau Chapter, Ottawa Public Library, Ottawa, June 12, 2007Presentation