Ward, B.2007-11-131976-04-012007-11-131976http://hdl.handle.net/10625/19903Meeting: UN Conference on Human Settlements (HABITAT), 31 May-11 June 1976, Vancouver, B.C., CAPhotocopyPaper on the prospects of the UN Conference on Human Settlements, with an examination of housing problems and directives for urban planning - discusses implications of unplanned industrialization and rapid rural migration; problems associated with mega-cities (e.g. flight to suburbia, pollution from automobiles).Text1 digital file (p. 41-44)Application/pdfenHUMAN SETTLEMENTSHOUSINGURBAN PLANNINGINDUSTRIALIZATIONRURAL URBAN MIGRATIONPOLLUTIONAUTOMOBILESCities of menJournal Article