Gebremichael, MedhanitAyele, BefikaduAndargatchew, ArsemaDupar, Mairi2021-08-202021-08-202020-10 project found that extending microfinance services to rural women in these marginal communities created a powerful ‘multiplier effect’ – not only considerably improving the wellbeing of the women themselves but also of their families. The microfinance scheme targeted pastoralist communities who live in areas frequently affected by adverse climatic effects. The Market Approaches to Resilience (MAR) project extended credit and savings facilities to communities in remote rural areas of Ethiopia, providing them with the means to diversify their assets and livelihoods. This helped to buffer them from climate-related stresses and shocks.application/pdfenFINANCIAL INCLUSIONMICROFINANCERURAL ECONOMYRURAL WOMENMICROCREDITPASTORALISTSADAPTIVE CAPACITYCLIMATE CHANGE VULNERABILITYGENDER ROLESWOMEN IN AGRICULTUREETHIOPIASOUTH OF SAHARARural Ethiopian women diversify livelihoods and boost entire communities’ climate resilienceProject Brief