Fumega, SilvanaFlores, BrandoSoto, SusanaFont, SilvinaVillalba, SofiaNeuman, LauraClancy, Katie2021-08-182021-08-182021http://hdl.handle.net/10625/60544Open government for whom? This synthesis paper provides core analysis, findings and recommendations from research on open government in 12 countries across Latin America, Asia, Africa, and the Middle East. Feminist Open Government (FOGO) findings show that women tend to be under-represented and not deliberately engaged within programming objectives. Open government co-creation tends to privilege key urban centres. Even when rural or broad geographic consultations occur, advocates suggest their perspectives and needs are not reflected in government plans. Economic empowerment, political leadership, violence against women – these still remain largely absent from national action plan discussions.application/pdfenWOMEN’S ECONOMIC EMPOWERMENTGENDER INCLUSIONWOMEN’S REPRESENTATIONOPEN DATA FOR DEVELOPMENTOD4DWOMEN IN DEVELOPMENTOPEN DEVELOPMENTOPEN GOVERNMENTGENDER EQUITYDEVELOPMENT PLANNINGPOLITICAL WILLFEMINISMGLOBAL SOUTHFeminist open government : addressing gender equity challenges in open government co-creation processes : cases studies from Latin America, Africa and AsiaPolicy Brief