Hodgkinson-Williams, CherylTrotter, Henry2018-03-232018-03-232018-03http://hdl.handle.net/10625/56916One of the key challenges for Research in Open Educational Resources for Development (ROER4D) is clarity on what respondents consider to be Open Educational Resources (OER). Most viewed OER as digital materials freely available on the Internet and were generally not aware of copyright regulations or alternative open licensing options. This cross-regional, nine-country study, in PowerPoint format, analyzes varying contributions of ROER4D towards teacher professional learning communities and student empowerment, as well as levels of adoption, access to, and co- creation of OER materials.application/pdfenOEPOEROPEN EDUCATIONAL PRACTICESOPEN EDUCATIONAL RESOURCESROER4DRESEARCH ON OPEN EDUCATIONAL RESOURCES FOR DEVELOPMENTGLOBAL SOUTHOPEN ACCESSEDUCATIONEDUCATIONAL INNOVATIONSTEACHINGTEACHING MATERIALSDegrees of social inclusion : perspectives from the ROER4D projectPresentation