Stanley, Bob2014-07-222014-07-222006-11 version available in IDRC Digital Library: Partage des ressources dans les montagnes du Bhoutan : des chercheurs et des villageois donnent l'exemple au paysSpanish version available in IDRC Digital Library: Aprendiendo juntos a compartir recursos en las montañas de Bután : investigadores y aldeanos dan un ejemplo a la naciónTradition is strong among the mountain people of Bhutan. Often it is tradition that governs the sharing of resources, sometimes resulting in inequity and conflict. Tradition sometimes governs research too, but when a team of researchers abandoned the traditional approach to work directly with the communities, they found that together they could break down the barriers and develop new ways to ensure that valuable resources are both protected and equitably shared.Text1 digital file (4 p. : ill.)Application/pdfenBHUTANPARTICIPATORY RESEARCHPOVERTY ALLEVIATIONRESOURCES MANAGEMENTCOMMUNITY PARTICIPATIONTRADITIONAL SOCIETIESCASE STUDIESGOVERNANCEECOSYSTEMSWATER MANAGEMENTLearning together to share resources in the mountains of Bhutan : researchers and villagers set an example for the nationCase Study