Mia Amalia2011-05-302011-05-302010978-981-08-6971-7http://hdl.handle.net/10625/46172The report assesses improvement scenarios for Jakarta’s air quality and air pollution control. Bus rapid transport (BRT) facilities, and reduction and restriction of vehicles are considered. A cluster sampling method was used to determine residents’ valuation of the benefits of improved transportation policies. “Stated preference” and “choice modelling” methods are discussed. Results from the modelling stage indicate that respondents in the Jakarta Metropolitan Area (JMA) have significant non-market values for air quality attributes, especially for the Illnesses and Odour caused by air pollution from the transport sector, and that they are willing to pay for changes.Text1 digital file (84 p. : ill.)enAIR POLLUTIONEMISSION CONTROLPOLLUTIONTRANSPORT SECTORWILLINGNESS TO PAYHEALTH AND ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTSINDONESIAFAR EAST ASIAAIR QUALITYSURVEYSDesigning a choice modelling survey to value the health and environmental impacts of air pollution from the transport sector in the Jakarta Metropolitan AreaIDRC Final Report