Lin, Eve CherryThwe, Theint KayThin, Thin2021-11-302021-11-302021 in the formal sector in Myanmar actively discriminate on the basis of gender, age and education levels. Most employers prefer hiring young unmarried women. Participation in the labor force declines significantly after the age of 25. Women are generally expected to stay home to do reproductive and household work for the family. This study examines the internal and external factors that play a role in limiting women’s participation in the labor market in Myanmar. Direct quotes from interviewees provide a glimpse of the realities of being a working woman in Myanmar.application/pdfenLABOUR MARKETWOMEN’S EMPLOYMENTWOMEN’S ECONOMIC EMPOWERMENTWOMEN’S PARTICIPATIONWOMEN’S RIGHTSMYANMARFAR EAST ASIABarriers to women’s participation in the labor market in MyanmarWorking Paper