Costa, AnildoAlves, LuisFortes, JoséAlves, MelisaSanches, Rui2013-02-012013-02-012013 Island Developing States (SIDS) are highly vulnerable to climate change. In some locations coastal erosion is visible and the soil stability doubtable. The project objective is to contribute to the incorporation of climate change adaptation in long term urban planning, urban decision making processes, urban design and communities’ lifestyles. Flooding was identified as the major threat in Mindelo, while drought was the major concern in Sao Tomé. Sea level rise is a major threat in both locations. The project also produced technical papers on climate change in Portuguese that are studies and reflections on the current context.application/pdfenDISASTER RISK REDUCTIONCOASTAL ZONESADAPTATION TO CLIMATE CHANGESMALL ISLAND DEVELOPING STATESCAPE VERDESAO TOME AND PRINCIPEURBAN PLANNINGSTAKEHOLDER PARTICIPATIONSCENARIO PLANNINGBuilding Capacity for Sustainable Responses to Climate Change in Cities of Portuguese-speaking Small Island Developing States (Cabo Verde and São Tomé e Príncipe) - Final Technical ReportFinal Technical Report