Abro, ZewduKassie, MenaleTanga, ChrysantusBeesigamukama, DennisDiiro, Gracious2020-05-192020-05-192020-040959-6526http://hdl.handle.net/10625/58943The article considers the positive viability of insect farming for animal feed production, due to its low land and water requirements, its low ecological footprint, and its ‘circular economy’ contribution – by converting biowaste into high-quality feed ingredients. The growing scarcity of resources for feed production, as well as environmental concerns, highlight the unsustainability of conventional feed sources. The study assesses the potential socio-economic benefits of black soldier fly larvae meal (BSFLM) to the Kenyan poultry sector. The findings suggest that greater investment to promote BSFLM could boost economic, environmental and social sustainability.application/pdfenINSECTSPOULTRYAGRICULTURAL INNOVATIONAGRICULTURAL PRODUCTIONANIMAL FEEDINGINSECTS AS FEEDRURAL ECONOMYKENYASOUTH OF SAHARASocio-economic and environmental implications of replacing conventional poultry feed with insect-based feed in KenyaJournal Article (peer-reviewed)