Duran, Ana ClaraRicardo, Camila ZanchetaMais, Laís AmaralMartins, Ana Paula BortolettoTaillie, Lindsey Smith2019-12-052072-6643http://hdl.handle.net/10625/59632Understanding the prevalence and nutritional profile of products affected by proposed regulation is important for developing effective policy to improve consumers’ ability to make healthier food decisions. The article details a study which collected nutrition labeling information on prepackaged foods and beverages available in supermarkets in Brazil. Findings show a pervasive presence of health and nutrition claims in the Brazilian food supply and a larger proportion of nutrition claims than other types of claims. Restricting the presence of nutrition claims in foods high in critical nutrients should be part of regulatory processes that aim to help consumers make healthier choices.application/pdfenPACKAGINGREGULATIONFOOD LABELING AND ADVERTISINGNUTRITION POLICYBRAZILSOUTH AMERICAConflicting messages on food and beverage packages : front-of-package nutritional labeling, health and nutrition claims in BrazilJournal Article (peer-reviewed)