ICAR. All India Coordinated Small Millets Improvement Project (AICSMIP)DHAN Foundation2015-02-192015-02-192014-08http://hdl.handle.net/10625/53730Finger, Foxtail, Little, Kodo, Proso, and Barnyard small millets are vital to the economy due to their suitability to local agro-ecology and socio-economic conditions. Millets are truly miracle grains as they seldom attract any biotic stress, be it disease or pest. They can grow on the most marginalized soils - without irrigation and with very little or sometimes no external inputs due to their very high resilience. This report provides distinguishing features of varietal pedigrees and recommendations for regional use.Text1 digital file (166 p.)Application/pdfenMILLETINDIANUTRITIONAGROECOLOGYFOOD SECURITYDIVERSIFICATIONPLANT BREEDINGVARIETIESReport on compendium of released varieties in small millets, India (annex 2.2 of final technical report)Final Technical Report