2019-07-312019-07-312018-01-18http://hdl.handle.net/10625/57780Annex 9 for final technical report : Scale up of homestead food production for improved household food security and nutrition in Cambodia - fish on farms phase 2 : family farms for the futureThe main objectives for the meeting were: to review the existing Enhanced Homestead Food Production (EHFP) processes, designs, tools and methods; to identify gaps to enhance program quality; and to create a tool kit to complement the Minimum Program Standards (MPS) in order to facilitate high quality implementation and replication of EHFP. The report provides a summary of past meetings and action points; review of MPS; research evidence quality and gaps; and priority actions for developing the toolkit for project management, monitoring and evaluation of EHFP programmes.application/pdfenWORKSHOP REPORTRESEARCH CAPACITYPROJECT MANAGEMENTPROJECT MONITORINGTOOLKITSMALLHOLDERSFOOD PRODUCTIONCAMBODIAFAR EAST ASIAAnnex 9 - EHFP knowledge exchange workshop report : final report of Helen Keller international : Asia-Pacific regional standardization meeting on enhanced homestead food productionWorkshop Report