Whitty, Brendan2011-11-152011-11-152008978-0-9559460-0-4http://hdl.handle.net/10625/47527The book encompasses motivations for organisational accountability, drawing on four central principles of: participation, evaluation, transparency, and feedback. It explores the tensions and constraints facing different types of organisations. For research organisations, it describes key stakeholders who should be consulted; it reviews key methods which will enable a research organisation to be more accountable, and discusses practical issues and tensions in their implementation. The study develops an ‘ideal’ holistic set of principles for accountability based on principles and arguments of effectiveness, both the normative and instrumental justifications for accountability.1 digital file (72 p. : ill.)application/pdfenRESEARCH CENTRESACCOUNTABILITYMONITORING AND EVALUATIONTRANSPARENCYTRAINING AND RESEARCH INSTITUTIONSORGANIZATIONAL CAPACITY BUILDINGRESEARCH CAPACITY BUILDINGCIVIL SOCIETY ORGANIZATIONSCANADAUNITED KINGDOMGLOBALAccountability principles for research organisationsBook