Aguilar, SoledadBouzas, Roberto2011-11-082011-11-082010 the fourth largest emitter of greenhouse gases (GHG) and repository of one of the worlds largest tropical forests, Brazil has an important contribution to make in global initiatives to mitigate climate change. Argentina has a much lower potential to contribute to global mitigation efforts, and consequently to benefit from mitigation funds, but it could also profit from the experience gained and the instruments used by Brazil. The paper reviews the evolution of the national policies of these two countries in terms of emissions profiles and climate change policy and adaptation measures.Text1 digital file (17 p.)enCLIMATE CHANGE POLICYAGRICULTURAL PRODUCTIVITYGREENHOUSE EFFECTSOUTH AMERICAEMISSION CONTROLINTERNATIONAL NEGOTIATIONSBRAZILARGENTINAArgentina and Brazil in international climate change negotiationsWorking Paper