Dupar, MairiMcNamara,LisaPacha, Maria Jose2020-02-042020-02-042019978-0-620-84052-1http://hdl.handle.net/10625/58419This guide shares tips for communicating climate change effectively. It is intended for communications practitioners and champions of climate action working in developing countries. The communications strategies are sensitive to developing countries’ needs to tackle persistent poverty and basic development needs such as provision of safe drinking water, sanitation, education, healthcare, housing and energy, which are needed for a dignified life. Tips for developing a good communications campaign are provided in a step by step framework, and targeted differently for specific audiences.application/pdfenGLOBAL WARMINGDEVELOPING COUNTRIESINFORMATION CAMPAIGNSCOMMUNICATION STRATEGIESCLIMATE CHANGE MITIGATIONCLIMATE DATAGLOBAL SOUTHGLOBALCommunicating climate change : a practitioner’s guide - insights from Africa, Asia and Latin AmericaTraining Material