Crawford, Alec2016-11-092016-11-0920162016 abstract in FrenchThe country’s climate vulnerability is closely tied to an existing high level of water scarcity. The government of Botswana has identified five sectors as particularly vulnerable: water, health, crops, forestry, grasslands and livestock. However, the government does not consider climate change a national priority, and the subsequent lack of guiding policy, legislation, and strategy responding to the impacts of climate change, as well as a dearth of adaptation programs and projects within the country, will only exacerbate existing and expected climate-related threats. An increasing population and demand for water from residential, commercial, and industrial sources, including mining will contribute to vulnerability over time.application/pdfenCLIMATE CHANGE ADAPTATIONBOTSWANAAFRICAReview of current and planned adaptation action in BotswanaCARIAA Working Paper no. 7Synthesis Report