2019-11-122019-11-122016http://hdl.handle.net/10625/58272Sheep pox virus (SPV) and Goat pox virus (GPV), along with lumpy skin disease are members of the viral genus Capripoxvirus, in the family Poxviridae. There is a need to increase the vaccination cover to SP and GP in poor livestock communities who depend on small ruminants for their livelihood. With the global "peste des petits ruminants" (PPR) eradication strategy, multivalent vaccines including PPR and SGP vaccine could provide a great opportunity to control sheep and goat pox in regions that otherwise have no access to the vaccines. The paper presents detailed information on incidence, prevalence and etiology, as well as vaccination strategies.application/pdfenANIMAL HEALTHVIRUSSHEEPGOATSLIVESTOCKVACCINESEPIDEMIOLOGYIMMUNIZATIONDISEASE CONTROLDISEASE TRANSMISSIONVETERINARY MEDICINEGLOBALSheep and goat pox - disease monograph series - 22Book