Stanley, Bob2014-07-212014-07-212006-11 version available in IDRC Digital Library: Gens, et non les choses, calment les eaux de la lagune de Tam Giang : l'essor de l’aquaculture menace la subsistance et l'environnementSpanish version available in IDRC Digital Library: Énfasis en las personas y no en las cosas calma las aguas en la laguna Tam Giang : el boom de la acuicultura amenaza los medios de sustento y el medio ambienteThe unregulated expansion of aquaculture in a huge coastal lagoon was making it impossible for poor mobile fishers to make a living, and threatening the environment of the lagoon itself. With local government officials unable or unwilling to act, a team of researchers from two universities and the Department of Fisheries was determined to save the lagoon and livelihoods by finding participatory solutions to the impasse.Text1 digital file (4 p. : ill.)application/pdfenPARTICIPATORY RESEARCHCONFLICT RESOLUTIONVIET NAM--TAM GIANG LAGOONCOASTAL ZONE MANAGEMENTFISHERIESAQUATIC RESOURCE TENURELIVELIHOODSAQUACULTURERESOURCES MANAGEMENTMARINE RESOURCES CONSERVATIONCOMMUNITY PARTICIPATIONLOCAL GOVERNMENTEmphasis on people, not things, calms the waters in Tam Giang Lagoon : aquaculture boom threatens livelihoods and the environmentCase Study