Mutuku, LeonidaJuma, LinetNyaggah, Muchiri2019-11-072019-11-072019 paper outlines findings of the study regarding gender-responsive Open Government Partnership (OGP) processes in Kenya and Ghana. The study explored the extent to which open government efforts as they currently exist in national action plans (NAPs) and Open Government Partnership (OGP) processes, serve to dismantle equality-unfriendly systems, and how they can strengthen the ability of women to exercise their agency. The report details the assessment methods, project outputs and recommendations. A final report will be combined in a book as part of a collection of essays on Feminist Open Government.application/pdfenOD4DFEMINISMINCLUSIVE DEVELOPMENTWOMEN’S PARTICIPATIONOPEN GOVERNMENTOPEN DATAKENYAGHANASOUTH OF SAHARATowards an inclusive open government in Africa (TIOGA)Final Technical Report