Matenge, Sarah T.P.Merwe, Daleen van derDe Beer, HanlieBosman, Magdalena J.C.Kruger, Annamarie2011-11-292011-11-292011 leafy vegetables represent inexpensive but high quality nutrition sources for nutritionally vulnerable communities. In South Africa, inadequate nutrient intakes and the overall burden of diseases have been attributed to low intakes of fruit and vegetables. The study obtained background information on consumers’ views of indigenous and traditional foods (ITF) and assessed the acceptance of, preference for, and intended consumption of products made with cowpea leaves with untrained consumer focus groups.Text1 digital file (58 p.)enCONSUMERSCONSUMER VIEWSCONSUMPTION INTENTCOW PEA LEAVESPREFERENCEPRODUCT ACCEPTANCENUTRITIONDIETCONSUMER BEHAVIOURConsumers’ general views on indigenous and traditional foods and acceptance of products made with cow pea leavesIDRC Final Report