Environment, Forest and Climate Change Commission, EthiopiaGebre, NegusGashaw, TesfayeHedeto, MulunehTeshome, BemnetRedda, Robi2021-08-202021-08-202021http://hdl.handle.net/10625/60562NDC Highlights is a bimonthly newsletter of the Environment, Forest and Climate Change Commission, focusing on disseminating information and knowledge on the implementation of Ethiopia’s Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC). It provides details of current news, activities, events, conferences and publications. This issue features articles on: non-motorized transportation and Ethiopia’s transport sector; and, “nature-based solutions” interventions that range from enhancing agroforestry and sustainable afforestation of degraded forest areas, to improving ecosystem health through ecological farming.application/pdfenCLIMATE CHANGE VULNERABILITYCLIMATE POLICYGREEN ECONOMYNON-MOTORIZED TRANSPORTAFFORESTATIONGLOBAL WARMINGCLIMATE CHANGE MITIGATIONNEWSLETTERETHIOPIASOUTH OF SAHARANDC highlights newsletter : volume 2 number 1Bulletin or Newsletter