Law & Development Partnership Ltd.IDRC2018-04-122018-04-122016 terms of recommendations outlined in in this brief, Global Goal 16 may be able to further the UN Sustainable Development Knowledge Platform agenda regarding access to justice for all. An emerging body of evidence on the effects of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) – particularly those relating to health and education outcomes – suggests that Global Goal 16 presents a historic opportunity to focus international attention, influence domestic policy and increase investment in service delivery to improve access to justice. The paper provides evidence and direction for advancing global justice in accordance with Global Goal 16, using indicators derived from MDG findings.application/pdfenSUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT GOALSACCESS TO JUSTICEACCESS TO SERVICESLOW INCOME COUNTRIESFRAGILE STATESFUNDINGPOLITICAL WILLSCALING UPGLOBALDeveloping a portfolio of financially sustainable, scalable, basic legal service models : 4 pagerPolicy Brief