Czunyi, SarahCurrie-Alder, Bruce2022-03-222022-03-222020-12-15978-3-030-22759-3 on collaborative research conducted across 15 countries in Africa and South Asia, the chapter addresses three questions: 1) what is the difference between 1.5 and 2 degrees of global warming? Many parts of Africa, especially semi-arid lands, are warming faster than the global average with near-term consequences for agriculture, energy, and water; 2) how do gender, location and social difference shape who is vulnerable to climate change? Where someone lives also shapes their exposure, while the decision to migrate can diversify risk and alter household dynamics; 3) what is the effectiveness of adaptation from the lived experience of people and communities?application/pdfenHOTSPOTSCLIMATE CHANGE VULNERABILITYADAPTIVE CAPACITYVULNERABLE POPULATIONSARID AND SEMI-ARID AREASGENDER ROLESCOLLABORATIVE RESEARCHAFRICAN COUNTRIESGLOBAL SOUTHBuilding resilience in African hotspots : learning from collaborative researchBook Chapter