Mitala, Hosea2021-07-162021-07-162021 Ministry of Home Affairs, through the Department of National Identity and Civil Registry (NICR), is responsible for the registration of vital events in Lesotho. The civil registration and vital statistics (CRVS) system has been computerized and is networked to coordinate with identity and passport registration services. A unique personal identification number is issued upon birth registration. The NICR has a five-year strategic plan (2020-2024). Registration of vital events started during the colonial period but was only for the national and colonial powers. Lesotho was a British Crown Colony until 1966.application/pdfenCIVIL REGISTRATION AND VITAL STATISTICSVITAL STATISTICSBIRTH REGISTRATIONDEATHSCRVSCAUSE OF DEATHLEGAL IDENTITYCITIZENSHIPDATA COLLECTIONDIGITIZATIONDATABASESCOLONIALISMLESOTHOSOUTH OF SAHARASnapshot of civil registration and vital statistics systems in the Kingdom of LesothoPolicy Brief