Colecraft, Esi K.Marquis, Grace S.Addy, NiiDodoo, Naa Dodua2022-11-032022-11-032022-09-16 one-third of rural Ghanaians live below the poverty line, with women and children living in poverty having the highest risk of poor nutrition and health. Sustained integrated approaches that increase agricultural productivity and value addition, diversify incomes, and enhance knowledge and skills among all stakeholders, notably women are required to improve the well-being of rural communities. The Scaling up women’s agripreneurship through public-private linkages to improve rural women’s income, nutrition, and the effectiveness of institutions in rural Ghana project (Linking Up) is a follow-up study to build on the results of the Nutrition Links project (NLP) funded by the Canadian Government (2013-18). The NLP’s multi-sectoral integrated livelihoods, nutrition, agriculture and health intervention with rural women groups in the Upper Manya Krobo District (UMKD) of the Eastern Region decreased household food insecurity, increased women’s access to income and improved young children’s diets and nutritional status. However, efforts to sustain the intervention through multisectoral collaborations by local institutions were unsuccessful due primarily to the lack of integration of sustainability mechanisms into the regular operations of the local institutions. In this report we note factors identified that facilitate or impede women’s participation in farming and agri-food entrepreneur associations supported by local institutions.application/pdfenAGRIPRENEURSHIPNUTRITIONPOVERTYNUTRITIONAL STATUSFOOD SECURITYGENDERAGRICULTURERURALGHANASOUTH OF SAHARAScaling up women’s agripreneurship through public-private linkages to improve rural women’s income, nutrition and the effectiveness of institutions in rural Ghana (Linking Up : women’s agripreneurship sustainability and scale-up project)Final Technical Report